Saturday, June 28, 2014

starting off

I am a fledgling writer, unpublished and unread.   

About a year ago, upon completing a first draft of a partial chapter of the next great American novel (with movie rights, mind you), the rush that sparkled through my chest and up into my brain left me high.  

"I can do this!" I hollered to the Universe.  

Panting, I printed those dozen pages and bound them in a pronged folder from Walmart.  I was leaving for my twice-yearly trip home where I planned to invite family members and friends to lose themselves in what I anticipated was destined to become the next Gone With The Wind.


Setting my face in nonchalant disinterest, I allowed myself peeks at the faces of each dutiful reader, humbly prepared for accolades and applause.  When no one (no one! I tell you!) clamored or begged for the Rest of the Story, much less praised what they had just read, I could not close my ears to the proverbial drawing board as it called my name.  

It is the best thing that could have happened in my short, non-lucrative writing career.

So, now, inspired most recently by JR Sheridan , I have decided to chronicle my writing journey.  I hope you will follow me as I  put fingers to keyboard and Do write the next GWTW.  With movie rights. 


- roberta